I received this email today & was totally blown away…
This morning my brother Andreas phoned me in tears and all he could say was
“pray sister, I have just come across an accident where a truck is on top of a car. Please Pray”
My family and I prayed immediately and thanked Father God for the power that He is sending to the
Area and the instructions that He gives His angels to go and help.
About 2 hours later my brother called again and said…….
“she is out with only a cut on her finger”
Look at the photos attached and decide for yourself how Great is the Power of God.
Vanoggend bel my boetie Andreas my en hy is in trane, al wat hy kan se
is sussa bid, ek daar het sopas 'n ongeluk plaas gevind en die trok
staan bo op die kar, bid asb!!
ek en my familie bid onmiddelik en dank VADER vir die KRAG wat HY na die
toneel toe stuur en die opdrag wat HY aan SY Engele gee om te gaan help.
sowat twee ure later bel hy weer en se, sy is uit met net 'n sny tjie
aan haar vinger....
sien die foto's en besluit self hou groot is die krag van GOD!!!
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